Friday, November 20, 2009

15 Questions for Conservatives

I have a few questions that I would love answers to. I am not attempting to be sarcastic or vindictive. I am sincerely asking. I just want to know a few things to hopefully further understand you and your political views.

This is not a test. There is no wrong answer.

Please feel free to answer any of my questions and if anyone has any questions for me, I will do my best to answer them to the best of my ability.

Question #1. If Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility, then why haven't they balanced the budget or created a strong economy that is fair for all classes since the 50's with Eisenhower?

Question #2. Under Eisenhower, the rich paid 90% in taxes and the middle/lower classes had their taxes cut dramatically. Would you consider Eisenhower to be a socialist?

Question #3. If capitalism is the greatest and most reliable economic system and communism and socialism are failed economic policies, Then why have we (Capitalist) borrowed so much money from China (Communist) that we are almost beholden to them? If our system is the greatest and communism will weaken a country, then shouldn't this situation be the other way around?

Question #4. Why were there no tea parties when Bush was spending and digging a record deficit?

Question #5. How does it make you feel that Iraq is now in a surplus while we are in economic turmoil?

Question #6. Do you believe Jesus when he said that we will be judged at the gates of Heaven by how we treat the least among us?

Question #7. Can you name any of Bush's 47 czars?

Question #8. If you are pro-life, do you continue to fight for life after the baby is born? Do you fight for all life, or just the unborn?

Question #9. Why does the right hate unions so much? Don't we have the right to organize as citizens of the United States?

Question #10. Republicans are outraged about the amount of spending in Washington and are against large spending bills. How much did we spend in Iraq? How much will it cost to surge Afghanistan? What is the most funded government program?

Question #11. Why is it okay to spend massive amounts of money on wars, but not invest in our own country to help our own people? If Healthcare Reform involved a war with another country, would you then support it?

Question #12. How is your heterosexual marriage effected if a homosexual couple gets married?

Question #13. Is Medicare and VA Healthcare socialism?

Question #14. What part of "Option" in "Public Option" don't you understand?

Question #15. If Republican politicians are dead set against anything government, then why don't they quit their government jobs where they get paid with our tax dollars by the government?

1 comment:

  1. #14 is actually sarcastic.

    #16: If government can't be trusted to run a health care program, how can it be trusted to conduct a war?
